Website Backup

  • Friday, 16th August, 2019
  • 19:49pm

Today we partnered with CodeGuard,

the fastest and most reliable website backup service on the market.
They achieve this by replicating your data in secure locations around the world and backing up your site
automatically every day.

Ever thought about how you’d find out about your site getting hacked? If your site is hacked, it could be days or weeks before you even know about it. CodeGuard believes that you should be the first to know, and so our monitoring system diligently checks your site for changes everyday.

When CodeGuard takes the daily backup, it compares what is on your website with the last version of your website stored in our system. We call this a differential backup, which is unique to CodeGuard and much more efficient at storing your data than other services. If any changes are found, CodeGuard emails you with the details!

Feel free to contact us if you need more information!





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